Geological Services Provider
(613) 864-3270
Mineral Exploration
Base Metals
Rare Metals
Agro Minerals
Canada and United States
General Contracting
43-101 Reports
Drill Management
Metal Ion Geochemistry
Assessment Reports
Opportunity Generation
Business Results
Highly Experienced
On Budget
On Time
General Contracting

We provide full project management, along with specific tasks including digital compilations, prospecting, drilling, geological mapping, and Metal Ion soil geochemical surveys, according to our client’s needs. We are registered with the PGO and carry all of the necessary insurances to protect our clients.
43-101 Reports

We generate highly regarded 43-101 technical reports and project update reports. We are adaptable, no project is too small nor too isolated for us to do your 43-101. We network with an affiliate for advanced resource and reserve estimates, PEAs and Pre-Feasibility reports.
Drill Management

We can help you to select a drilling contractor when required. We are highly experienced in building logging camps, siting drill holes, logging core into an industry standard digital format, designing 43-101 compliant sampling protocols with QC/QA, and generating drill logs with sections and plans.
Metal Ion Geochemistry

We have been involved with SGS’s MMI since it was first commercialized, and more recently with ALS’s Ionic Leach. We can do the surveys, or teach your people how to do them. We use specialized software designed to help us present and interpret your soil geochemistry results.
Assessment Reports

We are often asked to do and file assessment reports to maintain claims in good standing. We follow Best Practice, or 43-101 protocols and reporting standards as required. When we do your work, our accounting and reporting are designed to mesh with Gov’t reporting requirements.
Opportunity Generation

We are always on the look out for valuable new properties for our clients. Just give us your wish list and we will let you know when we find a property of merit. If you are considering an acquisition, we can also do an independent property exam and offer our opinion.
President: Garry K Smith, P.Geo
Senior Geotech: Dave Richards
Administration: Karin M Smith
25 McDiarmid Ln, Carleton Place, Ontario K7C 4S1