General Contracting

We follow Best Practice Guidelines and e3 Plus: A Framework for Responsible Exploration developed by the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) to help exploration companies continuously improve their social, environmental, and health and safety performance. Our clients are encouraged to integrate these three aspects into all of their exploration programs around the world.

Our Approach
It is important to define the purpose of the exploration program. What are the goals of the program and what will success at every stage look like? We need to know when we achieve success, and just as importantly, when we do not achieve it.

There can be multiple layers of interpretation based on our understanding of the important structures, lithology, alteration, mineralization, and geotechnical influences. We do geological mapping and prospecting, soil geochemistry like MMI and IL, air and ground geophysics, trenching and rock assaying to contribute to our understanding of the economic potential. Where necessary, we work closely with other respected contractors to capture the best data possible.

We often digitize (computerize) the historic data for a project and generate layers of information that can be represented as a 2D or 3D model. This is critical for seeing what the target looks like. However, there is a never-ending need to check both the historical and the new data. Then check the data again! Bad data is the cause of significant interpretation errors, which can be very costly indeed. Too many people believe that a computer-generated database is correct, because a computer generated it. We expect data errors, so we find them as soon as possible.